Why Californians Love Rainbow Sandals So Much

California Love Rainbow

California’s weather lends itself to fashions you can’t wear year-round in other parts of the country. If you take a look at the feet of Californians there’s a good chance you’ll find a bunch of rainbows. This is the trademark of Rainbow Sandals: a brand based out of San Clemente, California.

While you can always visit their official e-commerce store, the brand has a presence in many retail stores. You can also find their shop on Amazon offering some of the less common designs. If you’re really adventurous, there’s an outlet in San Clemente. By this point, Rainbow Sandals is a national operation, but it didn’t start that way. Rainbow began inside a garage in Laguna Beach. The sandals were first sold at consignment stores and parking lots before moving to San Clemente.

It didn’t take too long for the brand to find its niche. Surfers loved the flip-flops and they fit in perfectly with the Southern California lifestyle. In 2004 the brand had to outsource some of its manufacturing to China, but it’s not for the reasons you’d assume. The company couldn’t make more than 1,000 pairs of sandals a day due to the solvent used.

In California, Rainbows can go with most casual outfits. Locals love them, and for good reason. They’ve built a brand the reflects California while ensuring a quality product.

They Focus on Longevity

Rainbow design

Jay “Sparky” Longley wanted to design a sandal that would last a lifetime. Every detail of Rainbow’s design has been formed with intent. The toe piece is secured using a parachute-grade stitch and the sandals are assembled with Rainbow’s own adhesive. Customers might be paying a premium for the product, but they’re also getting a shoe that won’t need to be replaced any time soon. Unlike cheaper flip-flops, wearing your Rainbow Sandals will only make them better. The longer they’re worn, the better they’ll conform to your foot to provide a unique fit.

Quality is Guarenteed

Rainbow is so confident in their design they will repair or replace any sandal that does not meet the manufacturer’s standards. If straps come unfastened or the leather starts to separate, customers can be confident Rainbow has their back. However, it’s not very likely you will need to use this warranty. Most people have their sandals for years without issue. This is where Rainbow has set itself apart from other brands.

They Care About the Community

Longley believes the life of a Rainbow Sandal isn’t over when the customer is done with it. Often, he will receive an older pair that’s in need of a repair. The brand holds a “repair, reuse, recycle” philosophy, so they will work to protect the feet of those in need. This means they make repairs when they can and will donate the fixed product. Often, this is people experiencing homelessness, veteran groups, schools, or individuals who have been impacted by natural disasters. Plus, customers can donate their old sandals to the outlet store and get 10% off their next pair.

They’re Eco-Conscious

Part of the reason Rainbow builds its shoes with longevity in mind is the environmental impact of manufacturing. By keeping sandals on feet, they’re also keeping them out of landfills. Part of the reason Rainbow has to move some of its manufacturing to China was to allow the brand to reduce toxins from the adhesive it uses. In China, they are allowed to use a glue free of volatile organic compounds. While it’s deemed a fire hazard in the US, the sandals made overseas will not harm the environment. Meanwhile, the US production is limited to 1,000 pairs daily because the brand can clean the air of those toxins. While many of the sandals offered by the brand are leather, they also have a strong hemp-based collection for those who want to avoid animal products.

They’re Stylish

Rainbow Sandals Blue Stripe

To state the obvious, the sandals wouldn’t sell if they weren’t designed to look good. While the brand has a range of colors and styles, they take a fairly simple approach. Some sandals may have a little color on them, but most of them are in neutral tones. This allows them to match with most outfits and ensures they have a timeless design. That’s important because the sandals are going to last a long time!

Do You Need Rainbow Sandals?

Many people are fine wearing cheaper flip-flops that can easily be replaced. No one would fault you for taking this approach, but if you love wearing sandals on sand and land Rainbow would be a worthwhile investment. They’re not the type of sandals you need to replace, and they get more comfortable with wear. This makes them perfect for anyone who wants to skip the socks, and that’s perfect for the California crowd.

You can be confident you’re buying into a brand with purpose when you buy from Rainbow. They want to protect their communities and the environment around them. Beyond that, they want to protect your feet. They’re so confident in their design that many of their sandals hold a lifetime guarantee. While they may be more expensive than some sandals out there, they’ve also put a lot of thought and effort into their products. California loves Rainbows, and it’s easy to see why.
